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Do I need Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover?

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we plan. Illness and accidents are a reality –
and, if serious, could leave you unable to work.
How would you, your family or your business cope if you could no longer earn an income? How would you manage if you needed permanent care?

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Do I Need Life Insurance

We like to think ‘it will never happen to us’. But the reality is, some of us will pass on sooner than expected – leaving family and loved ones behind. Should misfortune occur, could your loved ones survive without you? How would they pay the monthly bills? Or keep up with mortgage repayments?

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Do I need Critical Illness Cover?

We all get sick sometimes – that’s life. But some of us will experience serious illness. The cost of recovering from a condition like cancer or heart attack can take its toll. Not just emotionally, but financially, too.

How would you afford the cost of medical treatment? How would you cover your debts – including your mortgage – or be able to cope financially as you ease back in to work?

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Do I Need Income Protection Cover?

Your ability to earn an income is your most valuable asset. Your lifestyle depends on it. If an accident or illness prevented you from working, how would you cope financially?

Most people wouldn’t drive without car insurance, or live in their house without home and contents insurance. Yet most Australians don’t consider protecting their ability to earn an income.

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General Advice Warning

The information contained on this website is of a general nature and has not taken into account your individual circumstances, goals and objectives. Therefore you should not act on the information in this website before seeking professional personal advice.

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Contact Information

Ph: 03 5480 7855    
Paul Mob: 0417 157 606
Rebecca Mob: 0429 992 835   

PO Box 241, Echuca VIC 3564

Ausure Financial Group (Victoria) Pty Ltd ABN 35 614 250 841 - Credit Representative number 516 894 of Connective Broker Services Pty Ltd - Australian Credit Licence Number 389 328